Heat press not switching on.

  • No power at source.

  • Power supply cable not fully inserted.

  • Fault with the heat press.

  • Turn the heat press off, check power cable is fully inserted, turn the heat press on.  

  • Check there is power to the supply, seek advise of facilities management/store team.

Heat press not hot/ heating up, despite being on.

  • Has entered power-save mode

  • No power at source.

  • Power supply cable not fully inserted.

  • Fault with the heat press

  • Lower handle and heat press will begin heating again

  • Contact support if the heat press fails to operate, ensuring the heat press is switched off and the power supply is unplugged. 

Touch Screen (design or print) no display

  • No Power at source.

  • Display cable not fully inserted

  • Computer not turned on.

  • Computer faulty.

  • Touch screen broken.

  • Check power supply cable is fully inserted.  

  • Check screen is turned on.

  • Check display cable is fully inserted at both ends.

  • Confirm touch screen working by connecting to known working server. 

  • Confirm the Server working by connecting to know working screen. 

Touch screen not responding to touch

  • USB cable connection issue 

  • Port failure on touch screen.

  • Windows Pen & Touch driver issue.

  • Check USB  cable is correctly inserted to the touch screen and YR Server.

  • Confirm USB cable is working by connecting to know working server and screen.

  • Replace cable.

Issue with Design or Print software; failure to load application, error messages, on screen content failings.

  • Fault with system software.

  • Fault with design software.

  • Hardware fault.

  • Restart the Print Manager application.

  • Restart the Server by holding power button for 3 seconds, allow system to fully shutdown,  wait 10 seconds and repress power button once to turn back on. 

Docket Printer not working

  • No power at source

  • USB cable connection  issue.

  • No paper.

  • Turn on and off at source

  • Check power supply is properly connected.

  • Check USB cable is connected to the Server (Print Manager)

  • Check paper and install if necessary. See Epson Printer user manual.

New designs (saved from design terminals) not appearing in Print manager queue system.

  • Check queue folder is on ‘Today.’

  • System software network sharing issue.

  • Software issues.

  • Check network cables are fully inserted.
  • Restart YR server connected to 27” touchscreen used by customer. 
  • Contact support.    

Printer issue

  • Refer to Brother GTX User Manual. 

  • Refer to Brother GTX User Manual. 

Sending image to print not arriving at printer

  • USB cable connection issue.

  • Printer settings issue.

  • Software issue.

  • Check Check USB cable is connected to the Server (Print Manager)
  • Restart the Print Manager application.


If you are still having problems, please contact CreateMe Customer Support at: 

+44 207 0432 632    
